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Our Services

Dental Exam by Alan Sheiner
General Dentistry
Regular cleanings and checkups are an important part of your dental hygiene and overall health care. With routine x-rays and the latest diagnostic aids such as intra-oral cameras, we can provide you and your family with a complete dental care program in our comfortable and friendly office.

Comprehensive Dental Exams
The best way to correct most dental problems is to avoid them to begin with. Treatment by our expert staff means you'll receive the most thorough exam possible. We'll check for problems such as cavities, chipped teeth or broken teeth, missing teeth, gum disease, oral cancer, TMJ problems, loose crowns and fillings.

Routine Teeth Cleaning
Routine cleaning prevents the build-up of tartar and plaque, and polishes your teeth to make them smooth and radiant. It may also help you to avoid gingivitis. You should have a routine check-up and cleaning at intervals appropriate for you, usually every 6 months. Since everyone's needs are different, we may recommend additional check-ups and cleaning to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Teeth Whitening
Woman Smile This self-administered whitening procedure, also called take-home bleaching, is performed at home after your consultation with Dr. Sheiner. The regimen Dr. Sheiner uses provides the most efficacy with least side effect potential. In this procedure, Dr. Sheiner makes an impression of your teeth and creates a customized mouthpiece for you. At home, you just need to apply the bleaching gel in the mouthpiece and then put it on for the time period specified by Dr. Sheiner.

Since the mouthpiece is customized to fit over your teeth, the rest of your mouth is protected from contact with the chemicals in the bleaching gel. Usually, home bleaching takes one to two weeks to achieve complete results.

Dental Tools Proper Dental Care for Cancer Patients
Cancer patients may be treated via chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery or a combination of modalities and there are significant considerations for proper management of their oral health needs. Dr. Sheiner trained three years at Memorial Sloan Kettering and is well versed in management of these situations. You can read published articles in the lay press by Dr. Sheiner here.

Dental Implants provide a Long-lasting Solution
For those who are missing teeth, implants help restore health and beauty to your smile. Implants are attached to your jawbone unlike dentures or traditional bridges. Dental implants look and feel more like your own teeth. Adequate bone in the jaw is needed to support your new implant, and the ideal candidates have healthy gum tissues that are free from periodontal diseases.

Digital Radiography: Efficient and Safer
In an effort to promote efficiency and patient safety, we use new state-of-the-art panoramic and 3D (CBCT) imaging systems and only take needed x-rays. This state-of -the-art technology reduces patient x-ray exposure by 80%. In addition, the digitalized images can be stored and transmitted more easily than regular x-ray film.

Dentures are used to replace missing teeth. Consisting of replacement teeth, a plastic gum area and either metal clasps or other attachments, partials can make eating and speaking easier for people who are missing some of their teeth. Partials are removable and that makes them easier to clean and care for. Dr. Sheiner is highly skilled in providing partial and complete denture care.

Fillings, Inlays or Onlays
Woman Teeth Various materials – gold, tooth colored resin, ceramics are used depending on the situation. In certain cases tooth colored ceramic inlays/onlays are used as alternative restorations to amalgam, gold, or tooth colored fillings. Inlays/onlays are individually fabricated pieces designed to precisely fit the prepared area of a tooth that has been damaged by decay or other injury. While an inlay is used to restore the central portion of a back tooth, an onlay is a larger restoration that extends out over one or more cusps of the tooth. In certain cases, an onlay can cover and support enough tooth structure to avert the need for a full coverage dental crown.

Once the fit of the custom made inlay/onlay is checked, it is bonded to the underlying prepared tooth structure with a strong resin cement. Porcelain inlays/onlays can increase the strength of the tooth and offer excellent stain resistance, as well as a natural appearance.

Male Patient Veneers
If your teeth suffer from gaps, chips, stains, or discolorations you may be a candidate for veneers, a highly effective and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can achieve beautiful results.

Veneers are thin facings custom-made of the highest quality ceramic materials that are designed to fit perfectly over the front of your teeth. One of the most conservative cosmetic treatments available, veneers can mask a host of dental imperfections to give you the smile you have always wanted. Veneers not only enhance and improve the shape of your teeth, they are able to create an overall brighter smile.

One of the most appealing aspects of the process of fabricating veneers is that they involve minimal tooth preparation and take just a few visits. Once they are fabricated and fitted, veneers are bonded to the underlying teeth. The result is a naturally pleasing smile that is both strong and durable.

Crowns and Caps
The terms dental crowns and caps are synonymous. If dental decay, cracked fillings, root canals, clenching or grinding the teeth have caused extensive damage to the underlying tooth structure, a common dental filling may not be a sufficient restoration. The only way to completely restore the cosmetic appearance and function of this tooth is often full coverage with a dental crown. The good news is that a completed dental crown looks and feels like a natural tooth. Think of a crown as the 'ultimate filling'.

In addition to restoring a single natural tooth, crowns can be used in other situations including being the supporting ends of a dental bridge, restoring dental implants, or as coverage for a cracked tooth to prevent further breakdown. A crown may be also be indicated when a discolored or stained tooth needs to be restored to its natural appearance. Crowns can be made of either of porcelain baked onto a metal substrate, all-porcelain, or many of the new ceramic materials that have been developed.

Improve Your Smile / Cosmetic Dentistry
Male Patient Prosthodontists are the experts in the field of cosmetic dentistry. While there are nine specialties recognized by the American Dental Association, 'cosmetic dentistry' is not one of them. A prosthodontist's comprehensive knowledge of dental aesthetics and the complex treatment requirements of an optimally functional bite enables them to provide the highest quality of care to improve the health and cosmetic appearance of one's smile. Have you noticed any of these problems?

  • Stained, discolored, or dull-looking teeth
  • Chipped, cracked, or worn teeth
  • Missing teeth or general bite disorder
  • Old and unattractive fillings

If you answered yes to any of these problems, we have some of the most innovative cosmetic treatments available that can give you a reason to smile with confidence once again.

Dental Exam by Alan Sheiner Dental Care for Cleft Palate Patients
This congenital condition might require an obturator prosthesis to permit best possible function and cosmetics.

Palatal Lift Prostheses for ALS and Stroke Patients
Dr. Sheiner developed an articulating palatal lift prosthesis to help stroke patients, closed head trauma patients, and ALS patients speak better when their soft palate is unable to function.

For a bright healthy smile, we offer a wide range of dental services tailored to your individual and family needs. Call our office now or click here for an appointment or to schedule a comprehensive dental exam and find out which treatment option is right for you.

Articles for the Lay Press

Dental Care for Cancer Patients, Part 1
Published: Sep 29, 2011 | Updated Oct 21, 2011

Dental Care for Cancer Patients, Part 2
Published: Mar 23, 2014

Dental Care for Cancer Patients, Part 3
Published: Sep 29, 2011 | Updated Oct 29, 2011

Dental Emergencies - What Should I Do?
Published: Aug 22, 2014